Friday, May 30, in Indianapolis and Terre Haute
Law Enforcement Torch Run
The Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics engages law enforcement worldwide as champions for acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities through a variety of year-round events and other activities. LETR is the largest grassroots fundraising program benefitting Special Olympics, raising tens of millions of dollars each year to support year-round sports training and competition plus health, education and leadership opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. This signature event features runs through Indianapolis and Terre Haute to help kick off the Summer Games.

Cop on a Rooftop – Friday, May 16
Participating Dunkin’ Locations Statewide
For these unique fundraising events, LETR officers are stationed in, around and on top of participating Dunkin’ locations statewide to collect money that will go directly to support programming for Special Olympics athletes in Indiana. Dunkin’ guests who donate to Cop on a Rooftop will receive a coupon for a free donut. Guests who donate $10 or more will receive a coupon for a free medium hot coffee.
To date, Indiana LETR’s Cop on a Rooftop events have raised more than $118,000 for Special Olympics Indiana.

State Office Contact

Other Opportunities
Participate In More LETR Events
- Tip-A-Cop
- Showdown of the Shields
- Cover the Cruiser
This event is held at any restaurant an “officer lead” chooses. Officers volunteer as “celebrity waiters” to receive “tips” to benefit Special Olympics Indiana. This event requires three to six officers, including one lead. Officers do not serve food.
Showdown of the Shields
How many repetitions can you handle? Teams of police, fire and EMS department members compete in three different weight competitions to see who will take the grand prize back to their department for completing the most number of reps.
Cover the Cruiser
This event can be held at any law enforcement community engagement event where there is a high volume of people. A police cruiser is needed along with a few supplies and 2-3 officers. Supporters donate, sign the icon and the officer places the icon on the police cruiser. The goal is to cover the entire cruiser with icons.
Tip-A-Cop Top Fundraisers
Columbus Police Department
So much more than a Run!
The Law Enforcement Torch Run was founded in 1981 in Wichita, Kan., by Chief Richard LaMunyon. It has grown to be much more than a run — engages law enforcement and public safety agencies worldwide as champions for acceptance and inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities through a variety of year-round events and other activities.
As the organization’s signature fundraising event, thousands of dedicated and compassionate LETR members — collectively known as the Guardians of the Flame — carry the Flame of Hope for Special Olympics athletes each year, symbolizing courage and celebrating the diversity that unites individuals around the globe.
LETR is the largest grassroots supporter for Special Olympics across the globe, promoting awareness and raising tens of millions of dollars each year to fund year-round sports training and competition plus health, education and leadership opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities. Funds raised by the Torch Run events in Indianapolis and Terre Haute will help Special Olympics Indiana provide sports training and competition at no cost to more than 19,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities across the state.